Top talent for great companies

We provide your company with the best Adobe Experience Manager talent for content management.
Achieve your goals on time through our out-staffing service.

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    All in one solution: Adobe Experience Manager 6

    In M22 Tech Consulting, we understand the importance of digital experience. We provide top talent for companies who require to delegate part of a project, so you can focus in your core business. 

    With AEM 6 and M22 Tech Consulting, your company will have: 
     • Experienced managers in AEM 6.
     • Fully trained and specialized talent in content administration.
     • Up-to-date project management skills.
     • Absolute control on quality outputs.

    Get in touch to know the details of our out-staffing services or read more about what we can do for your company.

    The new normal, the new way of working:
    out-staffing is here to stay.


    Increase productivity

    Improved efficiency and retention while reducing staff turnover.

    Speed and specialization

    Reduce recruiting and training time, allowing you to focus in the core business.


    Financial optimization

    Better control and reduction of operational costs.


    Reduce costs while retaining optimal talent.


    Trust and security

    We adapt to your communication flow and framework to build a solid relationship.


    Excellent results in your projects

    We help you with highly motivated and skilled people that will achieve time and cost efficient results.

    You need results. Let us be your greatest asset.

    Following our principle to accomplish every goal in a successful way, our talent gets fully prepared and constantly trained with the best tools as we build a solid communicational foundation with you.

    Thorough recruitment process

    You will have pre-screened, top talent who has been hand picked by experts.

    Matched profiles

    We don't just aim fulfilling a role. We match our staff with your company’s values and skills.

    Trainings provided by M22 Tech Consulting

    Rest assured that the talent we bring to your company will deeply understand the project and the technology they are working on.

    Trustful relationship

    Your prosperity is our goal. We build long-lasting relationships based on trust that allows everyone involved to express their needs in order to achieve excellent results for your company.

    About M22 Tech Consulting

    Tech Consulting is a M22 brand, which is an international awarded agency. In our division, we can help you develop any technological project. Get in touch and learn more about our services such as:


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    Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia showed up within 2 hours dolor sit amet aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora egestas quam...
    Mike Hughes

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